Did you know?

White wedding dresses
Contrary to modern sentiment, white wedding dresses were not originally a sign of purity and childhood innocence. They reflected the social status of a woman who could afford to be married in a white dress that she would only wear once in her lifetime, as in the case of Queen Victoria.

Champagne popping and pouring ceremony
Have you wondered then, why is there such a highlight on the way the champagne is popped open? Ok, this is a 'lil "hum sap" (X-rated), but someone (*cough* my husband *cough*) once told me, the way the groom pops open the champagne bottle, symbolizes how "strong" he is in his "performance" in the bedroom on the wedding night. I believed him and told people exactly that, whenever someone asked! People laughed at my explanation unbelievingly. Months later, he told me he made it up! But if you think about it, it does make sense.

So... besides the fact that a champagne bottle, just has to be popped this way, and no other way, do drop in your comments if you know the answer!

Gate crashing / Fetching the bride / Jip Sun Leong
Gate crashing, a.k.a. "Fetching the bride" ceremony a.k.a. "Jip Sun Leong" in Cantonese, is an old Chinese tradition that has been carried out through centuries. Have you wondered why do people do it these days? What is the meaning behind it?
In the olden days, couples were match-made at a very young age. When I say young, I mean YOUNG, starting from age 11. The wedding day would probably be the day the couple would have met each other for the 2nd or 3rd time. They're practically strangers to one another! In order to break the ice between the couple and their families, this ceremony would take place. The games are also meant to play a role in sexual education, especially for the groom. This explains why you'd notice that some of the games we play today are a bit obscene.


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